Cell type abundance analysis in scRNA-seq

By clustering, thresholds based on marker genes, or label transfer, cells in single-cell RNA-seq data can be assigned cell type labels. One use of scRNA-seq data is to compare abundance of cell types between experimental conditions or tissues. If a cell type is enriched in a disease condition it is an interesting avenue to explore what causes this increase in abundance.

Generalized linear models give a very simple yet powerful framework to study differences in cell type abundance. Each cell type can be considered to be sampled from a population of cells in an experimental sample.

Using a binomial linear model one can analyse counts of repeated observations of binary choices.

$$ N_{\text{cell type in sample}} \sim \text{B}(p, N_{\text{total cells in sample}}) $$ $$ \text{logit}(p) = \beta X $$

There are a large number of packages that can analyze this kind of model. They all differ slightly in how to provide values. The glm package in R takes these counts as paired observations of the form \( (N_{\text{cell type in sample}}, N_{\text{other cells in sample}}) = (N_{\text{cell type in sample}}, N_{\text{total cells in sample}} - N_{\text{cell type in sample}}) \).

To illustrate how a binomial GLM can be used to analyze cell type count data we use data from Smillie et al. Here the authors have 51 cell types (‘Cluster’) from a total of 365,492 cells from a number of individuals in healthy, non-inflamed, and inflamed states of ulcerative colitis. How can we analyze which cell types are enriched in inflamed samples?

By taking the metadata of the cells published with the paper, we can group the samples and count how many of each cell type are in each sample. For the input to the binomial GLM, we also calculate the total number of cells in each sample, and create an ‘Other’ column which have the number of cells in the sample not from the cell type of interest.

   Health  batch Location Subject Cluster               Count Total Other
   <chr>   <chr> <chr>    <chr>   <chr>                 <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 Healthy 0     Epi      N8      Best4+ Enterocytes       21   932   911
 2 Healthy 0     Epi      N8      CD4+ Activated Fos-hi     0   932   932
 3 Healthy 0     Epi      N8      CD4+ Activated Fos-lo     0   932   932
 4 Healthy 0     Epi      N8      CD4+ Memory               0   932   932
 5 Healthy 0     Epi      N8      CD4+ PD1+                 0   932   932
 6 Healthy 0     Epi      N8      CD8+ IELs                 0   932   932
 7 Healthy 0     Epi      N8      CD8+ IL17+                0   932   932
 8 Healthy 0     Epi      N8      CD8+ LP                   0   932   932
 9 Healthy 0     Epi      N8      CD69+ Mast                0   932   932
10 Healthy 0     Epi      N8      CD69- Mast                0   932   932

As a warmup, let us use a GLM to estimate the proportions of the cell types across all the samples, treating the samples as replicates. In this case a simple model can be made where Count vs Other only depends on the cell type identity

model0 <- glm(
  formula = cbind(Count, Other) ~ Cluster,
  family = binomial(link = 'logit'),
  data = df_a

An extremely useful tool when working with GLMs is the emmeans package. This package can transform a parameterization of a linear model to return any mean or contrast that is of interest. From the data and the simple linear model, we can obtain per-cell-type probability values with emmeans

emm0 <- emmeans(model0, specs = ~ Cluster)
emm0 %>%
  summary(infer = TRUE, type = 'response') %>%
  arrange(prob) -> cell_type_probs

cell_type_probs %>% head

            Cluster         prob           SE  df    asymp.LCL    asymp.UCL    z.ratio p.value
1        CD69- Mast 0.0003912534 3.271185e-05 Inf 0.0003321153 0.0004609172  -93.80333       0
2 Cycling Monocytes 0.0009576133 5.116207e-05 Inf 0.0008624047 0.0010633216 -129.96235       0
3            RSPO3+ 0.0009904458 5.203089e-05 Inf 0.0008935369 0.0010978534 -131.52763       0
4         CD4+ PD1+ 0.0011409278 5.583960e-05 Inf 0.0010365643 0.0012557858 -138.26581       0
5               DC1 0.0011710243 5.657044e-05 Inf 0.0010652300 0.0012873120 -139.53652       0
6           M cells 0.0012065928 5.742212e-05 Inf 0.0010991312 0.0013245468 -141.00855       0

The results can be compared with a much simpler strategy to get the cell type proportions: counting the cells per cell type in the data and dividing by the total number of cells.

df_a %>% pull(Count) %>% sum -> N
df_a %>% 
  group_by(Cluster) %>% 
  summarise(fraction = sum(Count) / N) %>% 
  arrange(fraction) %>% 
  as.data.frame -> cell_type_fractions

cell_type_fractions %>% left_join(cell_type_probs) -> cell_type_probs

So why bother with the GLM? Because with the GLM we can make predictors for cell type proportions that depend on predictors of interest (inflamed vs healthy), as well as accounting for batch effects and making use of replicates.

The ‘Health’ variable in the data contains ‘Healthy’, ‘Non-inflamed’ and ‘Inflamed’. For the sake of simplicity we will just consider ‘Healthy’ and ‘Inflamed’ here, so filter out ‘Non-inflamed’ samples.

We want to compare ‘Healthy’ and ‘Inflamed’ while accounting for variation due to ‘Location’ and ‘batch’. We do this by making a more complicated linear model

df_a %>% filter(Health %in% c('Healthy', 'Inflamed')) -> df
formula = cbind(Count, Other) ~ Cluster * Health + Cluster * Location + Cluster * batch
model1 <- glm(formula = formula, family = 'binomial', data = df)

Here the abundance of a given cell type depends on whether ‘Health’ is ‘Inflamed’ or ‘Healthy’. In addition, the abundance of the same cell type depends on ‘location’ and ‘batch’. After fitting the model we can compare odds ratios of ‘Inflamed’ vs ‘Healthy’ for each ‘Cluster’ using emmeans.

emm1 <- emmeans(model1, specs = revpairwise ~ Health | Cluster)
emm1$contrasts %>%
  summary(infer = TRUE, type = 'response') %>%
  rbind() %>%
  as.data.frame() -> c_results

             contrast                  Cluster odds.ratio          SE  df  asymp.LCL  asymp.UCL      z.ratio       p.value
1  Inflamed / Healthy Inflammatory Fibroblasts 62.4847804 14.10944910 Inf 40.1391051 97.2704243  18.31182457  6.660029e-75
2  Inflamed / Healthy                  M cells 16.5045991  3.48168172 Inf 10.9154622 24.9555893  13.29039892  2.631714e-40
3  Inflamed / Healthy   Inflammatory Monocytes  4.1921875  0.40353981 Inf  3.4713953  5.0626433  14.88908404  3.880492e-50
4  Inflamed / Healthy                Pericytes  4.1163273  0.50315305 Inf  3.2393999  5.2306448  11.57588915  5.460220e-31
5  Inflamed / Healthy   Post-capillary Venules  3.1448881  0.19793669 Inf  2.7799134  3.5577803  18.20453090  4.751058e-74
6  Inflamed / Healthy                Cycling B  2.5302852  0.15369320 Inf  2.2462922  2.8501826  15.28333532  9.875431e-53
7  Inflamed / Healthy                       GC  2.3807061  0.21261039 Inf  1.9984290  2.8361086   9.71268497  2.662299e-22
8  Inflamed / Healthy              Endothelial  2.1209671  0.12396363 Inf  1.8914025  2.3783945  12.86422519  7.155584e-38
9  Inflamed / Healthy                CD4+ PD1+  1.9756741  0.25707939 Inf  1.5309286  2.5496212   5.23284107  1.669243e-07
10 Inflamed / Healthy               Follicular  1.9259575  0.03832100 Inf  1.8522954  2.0025490  32.94061154 5.765493e-238
11 Inflamed / Healthy           Myofibroblasts  1.8911035  0.12724192 Inf  1.6574584  2.1576845   9.46964966  2.807838e-21
12 Inflamed / Healthy          Enteroendocrine  1.7511544  0.23462541 Inf  1.3467211  2.2770429   4.18168012  2.893629e-05
13 Inflamed / Healthy                    Tregs  1.6836653  0.06086953 Inf  1.5684919  1.8072958  14.41023630  4.461813e-47
14 Inflamed / Healthy                     Tuft  1.6445042  0.15265295 Inf  1.3709489  1.9726441   5.35882535  8.376478e-08
15 Inflamed / Healthy              Enterocytes  1.6271677  0.06957659 Inf  1.4963580  1.7694126  11.38560877  4.932258e-30
16 Inflamed / Healthy               CD69+ Mast  1.5857281  0.06127444 Inf  1.4700675  1.7104885  11.93140033  8.119601e-33
17 Inflamed / Healthy              CD4+ Memory  1.4140279  0.02517604 Inf  1.3655348  1.4642431  19.45814530  2.486205e-84
18 Inflamed / Healthy                   Goblet  1.3441453  0.08543563 Inf  1.1867049  1.5224733   4.65311890  3.269516e-06
19 Inflamed / Healthy               CD8+ IL17+  1.2856555  0.15437166 Inf  1.0160588  1.6267858   2.09264426  3.638092e-02
20 Inflamed / Healthy          Immature Goblet  1.2676903  0.04573710 Inf  1.1811433  1.3605789   6.57435120  4.886577e-11
21 Inflamed / Healthy       Best4+ Enterocytes  1.1589660  0.06670085 Inf  1.0353384  1.2973557   2.56338886  1.036559e-02
22 Inflamed / Healthy                     Stem  1.1518704  0.07809549 Inf  1.0085400  1.3155704   2.08538999  3.703391e-02
23 Inflamed / Healthy              Macrophages  1.1339316  0.02410242 Inf  1.0876623  1.1821693   5.91330273  3.353151e-09
24 Inflamed / Healthy                     TA 1  1.0774633  0.02269981 Inf  1.0338785  1.1228854   3.54139389  3.980189e-04
25 Inflamed / Healthy               Cycling TA  1.0770687  0.02800200 Inf  1.0235606  1.1333739   2.85568871  4.294359e-03
26 Inflamed / Healthy                Cycling T  1.0412753  0.10986760 Inf  0.8467459  1.2804953   0.38333047  7.014748e-01
27 Inflamed / Healthy          WNT2B+ Fos-lo 2  1.0233590  0.05237077 Inf  0.9256941  1.1313281   0.45120147  6.518444e-01
28 Inflamed / Healthy                      NKs  0.9952119  0.05914589 Inf  0.8857849  1.1181571  -0.08076013  9.356327e-01
29 Inflamed / Healthy                     TA 2  0.9930944  0.02931542 Inf  0.9372677  1.0522462  -0.23474820  8.144042e-01
30 Inflamed / Healthy             Secretory TA  0.9134756  0.04545739 Inf  0.8285878  1.0070602  -1.81858714  6.897444e-02
31 Inflamed / Healthy                  CD8+ LP  0.8908214  0.01948936 Inf  0.8534303  0.9298506  -5.28437421  1.261352e-07
32 Inflamed / Healthy                   Plasma  0.8881827  0.01002867 Inf  0.8687427  0.9080576 -10.50176601  8.477899e-26
33 Inflamed / Healthy   Immature Enterocytes 2  0.8734444  0.03039523 Inf  0.8158571  0.9350966  -3.88832100  1.009401e-04
34 Inflamed / Healthy                     ILCs  0.6891946  0.07523673 Inf  0.5564414  0.8536194  -3.40977118  6.501740e-04
35 Inflamed / Healthy                      DC1  0.6608477  0.07781771 Inf  0.5246488  0.8324038  -3.51776226  4.352021e-04
36 Inflamed / Healthy   Immature Enterocytes 1  0.6592190  0.02539055 Inf  0.6112864  0.7109101 -10.81883637  2.803136e-27
37 Inflamed / Healthy            WNT2B+ Fos-hi  0.6524180  0.02751867 Inf  0.6006516  0.7086457 -10.12505367  4.277440e-24
38 Inflamed / Healthy                      DC2  0.5976786  0.03078289 Inf  0.5402905  0.6611622  -9.99342232  1.628598e-23
39 Inflamed / Healthy                 WNT5B+ 1  0.5906783  0.03069201 Inf  0.5334849  0.6540034 -10.13235991  3.969516e-24
40 Inflamed / Healthy                 WNT5B+ 2  0.5801389  0.02750838 Inf  0.5286530  0.6366391 -11.48299320  1.606219e-30
41 Inflamed / Healthy          WNT2B+ Fos-lo 1  0.5559970  0.02165505 Inf  0.5151334  0.6001021 -15.07112820  2.507935e-51
42 Inflamed / Healthy   Enterocyte Progenitors  0.4850947  0.01928310 Inf  0.4487353  0.5244001 -18.19846809  5.307127e-74
43 Inflamed / Healthy    CD4+ Activated Fos-hi  0.4497154  0.01155000 Inf  0.4276382  0.4729325 -31.11565882 1.479043e-212
44 Inflamed / Healthy    CD4+ Activated Fos-lo  0.4256359  0.01102951 Inf  0.4045582  0.4478117 -32.96301722 2.753587e-238
45 Inflamed / Healthy            Microvascular  0.3241644  0.03439802 Inf  0.2632946  0.3991065 -10.61609664  2.508316e-26
46 Inflamed / Healthy                   RSPO3+  0.3030192  0.04640930 Inf  0.2244415  0.4091071  -7.79569031  6.405731e-15
47 Inflamed / Healthy                     Glia  0.2698563  0.02237938 Inf  0.2293727  0.3174851 -15.79469705  3.384151e-56
48 Inflamed / Healthy               CD69- Mast  0.2300449  0.05171148 Inf  0.1480717  0.3573988  -6.53716643  6.269527e-11
49 Inflamed / Healthy        Cycling Monocytes  0.2278063  0.03064635 Inf  0.1750069  0.2965352 -10.99591380  3.998428e-28
50 Inflamed / Healthy                    MT-hi  0.2235797  0.02702011 Inf  0.1764261  0.2833362 -12.39519687  2.774635e-35
51 Inflamed / Healthy                CD8+ IELs  0.2130551  0.01009845 Inf  0.1941540  0.2337962 -32.62151756 2.031799e-233

We see that the most enriched cell types are ‘Inflammatory Fibroblasts’, ‘M cells’, and ‘Inflammatory Monocytes’. The results from emmeans are in the unit of odds ratios. ‘Inflammatory Fibroblasts’ have an odds ratio of 62.5, which means the odds of seeing an ‘Inflammatory Fibroblast’ in an ‘Inflamed’ sample is 62.5 times higher than seeing an ‘Inflammatory Fibroblast’ in a healthy sample.These results can be visualized as a volcano plot to compare statistical significance and odds ratio for each cell type.


We can also extract the mean abundance for each ‘Cluster’ from the model using emmeans with a different ‘specs’ parameter. After putting this together with the previous results we can make an MA-plot to relate odds ratio with the average abundance of each cell type.

emm2 <- emmeans(model1, specs = ~ Cluster)
emm2 %>%
  summary(type = 'response') %>%
  select(Cluster, prob) -> mean_probs

c_results %>% left_join(mean_probs) -> m_results

To see how enriched looks in the raw data, we can plot a couple of cell types as a fraction of all cells in a sample. This way we can illustrate how a highly enriched cell type looks, compared to a non-enriched cell type, compared to a highly depleted cell type.


Generalized linear models are great tools to analyse various observed counts and known conditions. The largest inconvenience with GLMs is keeping track of parameter names, and transforming parameters to create contrasts to answer questions. The emmeans package really supercharges analysis using GLMS by tracking variable names and transformations for you.

An R file and data for this analysis are available at Github.
